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Ratings current through 2024-05-14 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.254

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1526 emobrian 1485 22  - 52
1527 onneBR 1484 27  - 70
1528 abarre 1484 - 18
1529 MightyPhoenix 1484 208  - 335
1530 deshi_king 1483 22  - 55
1531 evolver3 1482 - 28
1532 rpitcher 1482 33  - 55
1533 Gwinted350 1482 - 20
1534 Boso 1482 - 20
1535 garganeraboy 1480 - 33
1536 karn_thecreator90 1480 35  - 92
1537 nightviper429 1479 - 29
1538 wesleyjhere 1477 34  - 80
1539 Strategia 1475 49  - 80
1540 Mikusiks 1475 - 25
1541 doncogollo 1475 12  - 41
1542 Ogrebaron 1474 15  - 42
1543 phreddyphoenix 1473 - 22
1544 rocket76 1473 - 21
1545 sephy91 1472 - 31
1546 beachmagic 1471 - 36
1547 Hetfield881 1471 123  - 223
1548 GringoP 1470 151  - 280
1549 MontanaSteev 1470 13  - 43
1550 pyro0734 1468 91  - 130