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Ratings current through 2024-05-14 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.254

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1426 Ricbat2106 1522 - 16
1427 szosy 1522 11  - 25
1428 Palolos 1522 - 16
1429 darthbalmung 1521 15  - 31
1430 SleepyPanda 1520 - 17
1431 mateusz301sparta 1520 14  - 31
1432 dannz 1520 - 17
1433 Nova_Terra 1520 12  - 31
1434 bbsfox 1520 18  - 32
1435 MyGaZz 1520 34  - 59
1436 goose1 1520 - 17
1437 CawGo 1520 12  - 29
1438 Figglophobia 1519 83  - 122
1439 AVPfanJoe 1519 14  - 31
1440 coleh18 1519 - 19
1441 Yuin 1518 13  - 30
1442 Yuin 1518 13  - 30
1443 Gasparotto 1518 17  - 30
1444 Pirula42 1518 179  - 284
1445 agentcarr22 1517 10  - 27
1446 andyxavier 1517 61  - 86
1447 Gordani 1517 96  - 175
1448 Tiomax 1517 20  - 42
1449 Bananonymous 1517 - 18
1450 nezio84 1516 58  - 102