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Ratings current through 2024-05-14 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.254

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1351 Cody_H 1537 - 17
1352 AsaPhelps 1537 - 15
1353 maxwell400 1537 34  - 51
1354 magicdestroyerBR 1537 - 15
1355 7Tacos 1536 27  - 56
1356 adrianbp 1536 - 19
1357 KensanOni 1536 10  - 18
1358 Branc93 1536 - 18
1359 BlackLamb 1535 29  - 51
1360 Gargamel56 1535 - 21
1361 trainboy 1535 58  - 84
1362 Victim_of_Fate 1535 20  - 33
1363 thiagolramos 1535 15  - 25
1364 Stinky0117 1535 - 19
1365 eliezerb 1535 26  - 51
1366 erjsaitama 1534 - 22
1367 pewpliulaser 1534 21  - 35
1368 blazeitbots420 1534 27  - 51
1369 -DiamondDust- 1534 1024  - 1044
1370 Jacaretinga 1533 23  - 34
1371 Aces_wild143 1533 125  - 188
1372 cotton2431 1533 33  - 64
1373 mrCarl 1533 - 20
1374 SouthernSliver 1533 21  - 36
1375 AlhoW 1533 23  - 35