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Ratings current through 2024-05-14 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.254

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1476 g_wiz 1506 23  - 41
1477 TheoSanto 1505 12  - 39
1478 Alkxx 1505 22  - 45
1479 shwnnick 1505 - 20
1480 Peleg63 1505 - 17
1481 vantar6697 1505 15  - 28
1482 AChineseMan 1504 - 21
1483 jem2291 1504 35  - 67
1484 bahamito 1504 - 16
1485 kickinthethroat 1503 35  - 60
1486 brunoterra 1503 13  - 32
1487 EdwinDrood 1503 15  - 38
1488 luisvess 1502 48  - 98
1489 Sigfried 1501 21  - 45
1490 Nangurus 1500 49  - 89
1491 horndog1982 1500 10  - 32
1492 taplimposter 1500 - 20
1493 GorionsWard 1500 11  - 29
1494 tuprewm 1500 76  - 156
1495 PastaFazu 1499 - 24
1496 freezeplyr8 1499 - 24
1497 shomoccasin 1499 - 24
1498 Paullonex 1498 27  - 46
1499 Dbeiral 1497 21  - 41
1500 Error23UK 1497 15  - 43