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Ratings current through 2024-05-14 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.254

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1401 NEF_X 1528 22  - 36
1402 thegamesx 1527 21  - 25
1403 Jesy 1527 34  - 63
1404 RogiRossinol 1527 - 20
1405 sfilho 1526 36  - 64
1406 cortabrisa 1526 - 18
1407 treeek22 1526 14  - 29
1408 Chandogg 1526 232  - 409
1409 Reidster 1525 - 17
1410 [email protected] 1525 35  - 58
1411 sarpadian_emperor 1525 10  - 22
1412 Nabski 1525 41  - 56
1413 ramoninc 1525 - 19
1414 _felipekon_ 1525 - 21
1415 eliezerb 1525 26  - 53
1416 SomeDudeMarc 1525 99  - 136
1417 SekKuar Deathkeeper 1524 95  - 138
1418 Lucius_Maveric 1524 - 20
1419 Doug08 1524 30  - 45
1420 Crusaders_Of_Memes 1524 184  - 256
1421 cippdogg 1524 42  - 71
1422 fr0thyb0thy 1523 11  - 24
1423 Cameleons 1523 18  - 35
1424 Familyman608 1522 - 21
1425 Malum 1522 45  - 58