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Ratings current through 2024-05-13 - Penny Dreadful Mondays 33.03

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1501 rauryson 1497 40  - 72
1502 MichaelBrill 1497 26  - 59
1503 Mugywara 1496 - 28
1504 Tomvon9 1496 35  - 69
1505 Trapzomba 1496 53  - 102
1506 dueyutah 1495 88  - 239
1507 kookzerg23 1494 - 26
1508 iwearshoes 1494 - 23
1509 ImTheJitte 1493 36  - 73
1510 Juniper_Berries 1493 - 22
1511 longtimegone 1493 198  - 237
1512 Iymax 1492 - 19
1513 juanancas 1492 13  - 33
1514 BranderBuddy 1491 - 21
1515 Jinzo4803 1491 - 25
1516 spe3 1491 238  - 271
1517 coyote420 1490 - 19
1518 Simply_Skilled 1490 - 20
1519 iAmVast 1490 21  - 57
1520 RaithReyRay 1490 13  - 35
1521 _Chefe_ 1490 60  - 89
1522 Aoirx 1489 22  - 48
1523 killar 1489 21  - 43
1524 Litanss 1488 11  - 25
1525 MightyPhoenix 1488 207  - 333