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Ratings current through 2024-04-30 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.252

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1276 KoolBarry 1551 - 15
1277 Odero 1551 18  - 27
1278 RJF67 1551 - 18
1279 pedromax 1551 18  - 31
1280 Haddenbauer 1551 25  - 41
1281 RegMonger 1551 46  - 53
1282 Izael 1550 - 16
1283 BlippyTheSlug 1550 28  - 38
1284 cmmneto 1550 27  - 40
1285 caiquemancini 1550 28  - 49
1286 Blasteddd 1550 71  - 89
1287 vidaleliasneto 1550 65  - 91
1288 Bowser1025 1550 - 19
1289 WhitePresEnix777 1549 172  - 166
1290 Yazo 1549 16  - 25
1291 Hoju_ca 1549 - 16
1292 matiberto 1549 34  - 54
1293 Patalam 1549 35  - 50
1294 MrAndrewvs 1549 10  - 21
1295 Fr1zztz 1549 24  - 31
1296 shiurikan_ 1549 - 17
1297 MatsudaKurama 1549 16  - 25
1298 Samagaia 1548 - 14
1299 Res-42 1548 18  - 30
1300 tsunamishadow 1548 41  - 74