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Ratings current through 2024-05-07 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.253

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1376 SheafCohomology 1533 25  - 47
1377 spitkikker 1533 81  - 136
1378 nightshadex101 1532 37  - 61
1379 nando3 1532 - 18
1380 agfo 1532 - 19
1381 andaehh 1532 - 21
1382 charlesovery 1531 77  - 96
1383 Fenelon 1531 34  - 68
1384 Maro_ink 1531 - 21
1385 Kira-Korrea 1530 - 16
1386 TheSwordHit 1530 25  - 43
1387 Gollom 1530 18  - 30
1388 strahan92 1530 - 18
1389 firecircle12 1530 - 17
1390 A_Webb 1530 30  - 39
1391 Bnoru 1530 135  - 159
1392 luanbraga 1530 40  - 65
1393 newton15 1530 - 18
1394 maxu_como_e_q_pode 1530 88  - 119
1395 A_Webb 1529 30  - 39
1396 FWECF 1529 - 21
1397 FrittenOlli 1529 - 17
1398 tretafeita 1529 32  - 47
1399 Willzyx 1528 21  - 37
1400 SigmaAlphaMu 1528 36  - 62