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Ratings current through 2024-04-30 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.252

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1226 Githian 1559 11  - 20
1227 Githian 1559 11  - 20
1228 MystikDuck 1558 - 12
1229 thorneweaver 1558 42  - 52
1230 AinSoph 1558 21  - 34
1231 induction2 1558 - 16
1232 Yeomra 1558 - 14
1233 Cabel 1558 123  - 113
1234 Ronazai 1557 - 13
1235 PracticallPremodern 1557 13  - 21
1236 13eakers 1557 27  - 48
1237 KMDBroken 1557 153  - 175
1238 ruudmaarten 1557 33  - 45
1239 Dracorj 1557 99  - 149
1240 fordman 1557 11  - 16
1241 nerdyjoe 1557 112  - 140
1242 gotthisforsoi 1557 51  - 67
1243 CptAjani 1557 102  - 125
1244 nikonar 1556 - 15
1245 SouthernSliver 1556 22  - 34
1246 jozek77 1556 14  - 28
1247 LeoKing 1556 56  - 105
1248 thatonegamer4202 1556 16  - 31
1249 1KBestK 1555 48  - 89
1250 davidbrito 1555 543  - 513