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Ratings current through 2024-05-06 - Penny Dreadful Mondays 33.02

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1001 mynameiseg 1587 29  - 44
1002 AbnormalEuphoria 1587 13  - 18
1003 nicolasgarcia20 1587 - 13
1004 nicolasgarcia20 1587 - 13
1005 LarryJ 1586 27  - 30
1006 Morlan 1586 - 12
1007 Nintend0 1586 - 12
1008 NileDeath 1586 12  - 14
1009 Aglan 1586 15  - 22
1010 pablovilela 1586 64  - 64
1011 seaandrhythm 1586 21  - 27
1012 nabamen1 1586 198  - 164
1013 MT_mentat 1585 64  - 64
1014 nisclismonsfleide 1585 - 12
1015 Anzo 1585 41  - 40
1016 VaT69 1585 12  - 14
1017 BoBoFraggles 1585 205  - 238
1018 PiDave 1585 - 12
1019 Leys7 1585 26  - 25
1020 Daviajagunan 1585 18  - 18
1021 Ar13mis 1585 17  - 22
1022 dudz 1585 21  - 26
1023 Fabio_Freitas 1585 13  - 16
1024 guildpact_mtg 1585 24  - 30
1025 CowInAPie 1584 22  - 24