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Ratings current through 2024-04-29 - Penny Dreadful Mondays 33.01

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
276 starkman101 1682 23  - 12
277 forestgump1O 1682 31  - 22
278 Jayfeather 1682 75  - 70
279 kalibak 1682 448  - 367
280 Idius 1681 36  - 25
281 rad1cal 1681 25  - 14
282 RoccoCiccio 1681 54  - 43
283 Loot_Backwards 1681 18  - 7
284 MrJolly 1681 74  - 46
285 Dragonas77 1681 42  - 36
286 excile2127 1681 30  - 17
287 BattleCaptain 1680 110  - 93
288 fabiotadashi 1680 35  - 24
289 akiba47 1680 66  - 54
290 Fazill 1680 20  - 14
291 targetplayer 1680 36  - 18
292 MrForm 1680 83  - 57
293 Davekaplan 1680 20  - 10
294 bakert99 1680 688  - 454
295 KaraZorEl 1680 68  - 84
296 br_laern 1680 143  - 151
297 Nagarjuna 1679 436  - 355
298 hairyfroglegs 1679 112  - 91
299 RavaenMTG 1679 40  - 29
300 countingstars88 1679 16  - 9