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Ratings current through 2024-05-02 - Penny Dreadful Thursdays 33.01

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
726 IcyTaichou 1622 35  - 34
727 SeismicSandwich 1622 33  - 35
728 miniondevelopment 1622 67  - 70
729 eddietheintern 1622 10  - 11
730 Catacuio 1622 399  - 546
731 Judeginger22 1622 11  - 10
732 NimbleThroatPunch 1622 14  - 14
733 ScobeL 1622 17  - 23
734 jariben 1621 21  - 18
735 jariben 1621 21  - 18
736 TrapYeti 1621 26  - 34
737 Zephion 1621 41  - 41
738 narumin 1621 182  - 151
739 kasta 1621 11  - 9
740 Rfunay 1621 272  - 253
741 MarcoTsubaki 1621 47  - 45
742 dundalksbest 1620 15  - 13
743 BigM 1620 26  - 30
744 NightHawk521 1620 50  - 49
745 TLR 1620 153  - 121
746 Jacksonh630 1620 21  - 25
747 DRinsanoBR 1620 37  - 37
748 Eduardo_Novais 1620 412  - 320
749 cotomira 1620 80  - 59
750 Red_Demon3 1620 51  - 43