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Ratings current through 2024-05-02 - Penny Dreadful Thursdays 33.01

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
351 Ninetales13 1670 30  - 15
352 one million words 1669 13  - 9
353 Manu_ 1669 29  - 24
354 badgerfan 1668 34  - 22
355 HeirOfJoseon 1668 65  - 47
356 Kidwithgun 1668 39  - 21
357 cohner 1668 30  - 23
358 theking8426 1668 14  - 9
359 andrasin 1668 15  - 8
360 LudwigFrito 1667 496  - 423
361 rubenma 1667 22  - 14
362 NetworkGuru 1667 28  - 16
363 ChrisMH77 1667 278  - 268
364 Sonan 1667 25  - 16
365 gianlupo 1667 22  - 14
366 42crookedsporks 1667 40  - 40
367 BigQiu 1667 15  - 6
368 skayleef 1666 15  - 7
369 _sunga_ 1666 103  - 72
370 Omicron777 1666 17  - 13
371 Rainbow637 1666 48  - 44
372 deatheater900 1666 114  - 113
373 BinarySoloist 1666 23  - 20
374 CHAOSBLACKDOOM 1666 67  - 68
375 fartak 1665 248  - 161