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Ratings current through 2024-04-23 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.251

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
851 magicoptimus 1607 19  - 18
852 Getsugotenshou 1607 53  - 63
853 VIP 1606 30  - 25
854 azahrarn 1606 11  - 11
855 ellmaris 1606 114  - 141
856 Francis_Robert 1606 20  - 18
857 thelonesun 1606 27  - 26
858 Lee_Sang 1606 11  - 11
859 Dorini 1606 10  - 12
860 Acarvalho 1606 14  - 15
861 Hiro_Taquara 1606 64  - 63
862 amathis001 1606 18  - 22
863 ProbieWanKenobi 1606 - 11
864 ErikAdrien 1606 12  - 14
865 DurpDino 1605 31  - 36
866 drikorf 1605 63  - 76
867 Anihillus 1605 13  - 13
868 afgusto 1605 11  - 10
869 SOgaming 1605 14  - 16
870 CalicoDan 1605 20  - 18
871 JungleAsian 1605 34  - 36
872 niabock 1604 110  - 98
873 CrimsonMage 1604 41  - 56
874 TimeMage 1604 92  - 88
875 DarkPaladan3 1604 12  - 15