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Ratings current through 2024-04-23 - Pauper Classic Tuesdays 7.251

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
26 pk23 1793 410  - 178
27 mihahitlor 1790 402  - 195
28 Maluc 1789 62  - 28
29 Zoltan 1788 95  - 66
30 Cdnewlon 1787 170  - 107
31 Bob49 1785 157  - 90
32 swiftwarkite2 1785 1232  - 573
33 RexDart 1784 49  - 22
34 Flexo 1784 112  - 85
35 DarkPantsu 1783 112  - 42
36 theshadowmaker 1783 106  - 78
37 Paulmaster 1782 205  - 100
38 trevor3693 1781 179  - 105
39 raf.azevedo 1781 189  - 100
40 TiagoFuguete 1780 122  - 67
41 thewoof2 1778 36  - 11
42 LordLufrew 1774 94  - 44
43 apa19 1774 134  - 100
44 Robin88 1773 66  - 26
45 Ramy99 1771 51  - 27
46 ImpatienTraveller 1771 130  - 64
47 jherjamesb 1770 216  - 88
48 TheWatchWander 1770 1492  - 843
49 2for1for2 1769 123  - 60
50 lowman02 1768 46  - 10