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Player Profile

Rating: 1807
Matches Played: 2194
Record: 1296-881-1
Events Hosted: 87
Favorite Format: Classic Heirloom (15%)
Favorite Series: Tribal Apocalypse (31%)
Last Active:
(Tribal Apocalypse 13.37)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 3] Amazon Standard Time, Central Greenland Time
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Queima Jeová #TeamBeijoGrego 77-61 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t4 t4 t4 t4 t8 t8 t8 t8
Burning Your Asshole #TeamBeijoGrego 57-32 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t4 t4 t4 t4
Death and Taxes #TeamBeijoGrego 70-37 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t4 t4 t4 t8
Orelha de abano #TeamBeijoGrego 34-28 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t4
Anal Lick #TeamBeijoGrego 52-27-5 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd t4 t4 t4 t8 t8 t8
Dedo no cu e gritaria #TBG 28-16-2 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t4 t4 t8
DnT #TeamBeijoGrego 23-6 1st 1st 2nd 2nd t4 t8
MBC 37-17-4 1st 1st 2nd t4 t8 t8 t8
Red Dick Wins #TeamBeijoGrego 26-15 1st 1st t4 t4 t4
Jundão do Amor #TeamBeijoGrego 12-7 1st 1st t4
HUE BR Vampires #TeamBeijoGrego 22-15 1st 2nd t4 t8 t8 t8 t8
Thee Little Birds #TeamBeijoGrego 7-0 1st 1st
Zooarriors #TeamBeijoGrego 47-24 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
Escrevi e saí correndo... #TeamBeijoGre 17-7 2nd 2nd 2nd t4
Hungry Muxus #TeamBeijoGrego 6-1 1st 2nd
It should be banned #TeamBeijoGrego 6-3 1st 2nd
Jund Boladão #TeamBeijoGrego 19-21 2nd t4 t4 t4 t4
Oops! #TeamBeijoGrego 6-1 1st t4
Queima Jeová #TeamBeijoGrego 9-2 1st t4
Segua o cu que a rola vem #TBG 8-4 1st t4
Jund Midrange #TeamBeijoGrego 22-12 1st t4
Merda budget #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
No Creativity This Time #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
nic fitness 3-0 1st
Lazy Copy+Paste #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Padre Marcelo Horse #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Chico Xavier #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Adivinha! #TeamBeijoGrego 5-1 1st
Hoje tá full #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
It's Hallow Time! #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Hoje tem novidade #TBG 3-0 1st
Deck Ruim TBOSTA #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Milicos Encouraçados 3-0 1st
More one time... #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Thundercats Tbosta #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Against the Axis #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar 3-0 1st
Minotaurstorm #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Almost Budget #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Mighty Power Rangers 3.0 #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Curiocas Flash #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Not fish today #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
I Will Survive #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Senta que é de menta #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Mesma merda de sempre #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Phyrexian AIDS #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Milicos #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
É bi!... nao, pera #TeamBeijoGrego 2-0 1st
Advisors Un-Unhallow 2.0 #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
I'm Back #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Novinhos do GODma #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Mono White Zombies #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
Vernal Enchantress #TeamBeijoGrego 3-0 1st
RDW sqn #TeamBeijoGrego 4-0 1st
Pirocada Rasgante #TeamBeijoGrego 5-1 1st
2.0 BETA #TeamBeijoGrego 5-1 1st
RDW 4-2 1st
You Wont Survive #TeamBeijoGrego 5-2 1st
Why not? #TeamBeijoGrego 5-0 1st
Life Tribal #TeamBeijoGrego 5-2 1st
Stompy #TeamBeijoGrego 5-1 1st
Angelic Forces #TeamBeijoGrego 5-1 1st
Meren of the Team Beijo Grego 5-1 1st
Chupadores #TeamBeijoGrego 8-3 1st
Berserkers FTW 10-3 1st
Anal Destruction #TeamBeijoGrego 13-7 2nd 2nd
Jund Vaxinal #TeamBeijoGrego 14-11 2nd t4 t4
Mikaeus, the Combolicious 46-32 t4 t4 t4 t4
Zooeiros #TeamBeijoGrego 9-6-1 t4 t4 t4 t8
Budget and Taxes #TeamBeijoGrego 4-7 2nd t4
Lets try #TeamBeijoGrego 7-3 2nd t8
White Affinity 15-19 2nd t8
Ursinhos Carinhosos 2-1 2nd
Mono Red Faeries #TeamBeijoGrego 2-1 2nd
Yokai's Momir! 3-1 2nd
Seu Boga #TeamBeijoGrego 3-2 2nd
É bi? #TeamBeijoGrego 3-2 2nd
Finally Unlock My Eldrazis #TBG 3-1 2nd
Só eu hoje #TeamBeijoGrego 3-1 2nd
Stompy #TeamBeijoGrego 3-1 2nd
GODmaceraptor Rex #TeamBeijoGrego 3-1 2nd
De volta as origens #TeamBeijoGrego 2-0-1 2nd
Punishing Kavu #TeamBeijoGrego 3-1 2nd
Anti-Meta #TeamBeijoGrego 4-4 2nd
.... and not today #TeamBeijoGrego 6-2 2nd
TWD #TeamBeijoGrego 4-3 2nd
MBCu 4-3 2nd
Trepadeiras #TeamBeijoGrego 3-4 2nd
Opporyads #TeamBeijoGrego 7-3 2nd
Fatness #TeamBeijoGrego 6-4 t4 t4
Elves! 10-9 t4 t4
Death and ... #TeamBeijoGrego 3-2 t4
Ta diferente #TeamBeijoGrego 3-1 t4
Escrevi e saí correndo, pau no cu de qu 3-2 t4
RDW #TBG 3-2 t4
Esper Control 4-2 t4
Hoje não #TeamBeijoGrego 2-1 t4
Abzan #TBG 2-2 t4
Bora lá #TeamBeijoGrego 2-1 t4
Mono Green Zombies 3-1 t4
De novo #TeamBeijoGrego 2-1 t4
De volta às origens #TeamBeijoGrego 3-1 t4
I Will Survive II #TeamBeijoGrego 2-1 t4
Mau Carater #TeamBeijoGrego 1-2-1 t4
Opa #TeamBeijoGrego 4-4 t4
BGUW Unclassified 3-3 t4
GW gonz 3-4 t4
#aquitempoloindustrial #TeamBeijoGrego 3-3 t4
Queima Jeová... n, pera #TeamBeijoGrego 3-3 t4
Lapada na Rachada #TeamBeijoGrego 6-4 t4
3.0 #TeamBeijoGrego 5-5 t4
Living Abzan #TeamBeijoGrego 4-7 t4
PAU NO SEU CU #TeamBeijoGrego 6-9 t4
Elves não morreu #TeamBeijoGrego 7-4-1 t8 t8
Trabalhar não dá futuro #TBG 2-2 t8
Name Changed #TeamBeijoGrego 3-2 t8
Chupa que é de uva #TeamBeijoGrego 3-3 t8
Fora Weber #TeamBeijoGrego 3-3 t8
White Winnie 4-9 t8
UB Trinket 5-10 t8